Tuesday 16th October

Hello Students,

Day of projects!!!

Today I gave the projects of Australia in 6th A. Please use these links for the information in your project:
cornwall in australia

For homework you have to color the flag of Australia and do the cover of the UNIT 1 Activities in Australia

I also explained the projects in 5th B. Tomorrow I will give you the photocopies. Use these links for the projects:
For homework you have to describe Class book p.7 b and d in your notebooks.

In 3rd A and 3rd C we acted the story out of Matt and Molly: "MORE PRESENTS". Please students you need to study more! Congratulations to Oscar Gomez and Vicent Fort, and Jorge Bau, Carlos Comes, Carolina Hernández, Neus Martí, Caludia Martín, Paula Ortega, and Yaiza Trejo. You did a fantastic acting! You are fantastic actors and actresses!
We also sing the song  "Months of the year". You can sing it again in this link: 
months of the year song