Hello students!!
Today we had a hard working day! Congratulations my students you were fantastic!!
In 6th B. We practised the vocabulary and asked and answered. For homework you have to fisnish the A.B. p. 6.
We watched a video of Australia: australia travel video
In 5th A and 5th B. We started the Unit 1. We practised the vocabulary and asked and answered. NO HOMEWORK.
In 3rd A we corrected A.B p. 3 and we listened the Story. For homework you have to study Matt or Molly in the story. Use this link: starter unit story
In the afternoon 4th A and 4th C practised the story in the C.B p 4 and the chant in the C.B. p 3. Use your CD of the book to listen and chant again.
We read the story. You can watch it again in this link:
starter unit story